April 22, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3022 | The Green in Rugged Pastures

In Psalm 23, we hear the promise that God gives us rest in green pastures. The “green pastures” the Psalmist referred to are nothing like the bountiful tall green grass landscape that others might think of. In reality, the landscape where the Psalmist lived is actually a desert. Just as the Psalmist could see God’s provision beyond his desert circumstances, we too can rest in the truth that God will lead and care for us, even in the desert.

April 21, 2024

What Is Real Repentance - It Might Not Be What You Think.

Text: Act 4:11-19
Dr. Dan Rogers
We are going to look at Three important questions -1. Who is Jesus? 2. How must we respond to Jesus and 3. What is true repentance? Let's look at Acts 1:1-10 leading up to Peter's speech in Acts 3:11-19 and answer these three questions.
April 15, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3021 | Jesus Goes Viral

Have you ever seen a video go viral? The video spreads rapidly through online sharing and is watched by thousands or even millions of people around the globe! Like watching that interesting video clip, knowing Jesus makes us want to share with others about who he is. The more we come to know him, the more compelled we are to share his love with the people around us.

April 14, 2024

Does The Bible Teach Communism

Text: Acts 4: 32-37
Dr. Dan Rogers
In the Book of Acts, does Luke point to that Christians should be communist today? Some believe this. Acts 4: 32-37 seems to say Christian should sell everything and lay it at the feet of the Apostles - - - so they can distribute it to those in need. What is the definition of a Communist Government? What is Luke saying about this type of government? What is actually happening during this reading?
April 8, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3020 | Life in a Handful of Dust

Throughout the Bible, God uses dust to reveal how he can transform something lifeless into something wonderful. Even now, God continues to breathe life into us and he can restore what is broken and change it into something amazing.

April 7, 2024

Are You Walking with Jesus

Text: Luke 24:13-35
Dr. Dan Rogers
Dead people don't come back to life. Christians should believe that Jesus would return - - - He said He would be back in 3 days! As a Christian we should believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ - - but do we? If He isn't resurrected, what are we believing in? Is our faith a dead faith? The Book of Luke tells a story of two men, that followed of Jesus, were discussing negative comments about His death and possible resurrection. What happened? Why didn't he stop that crucifixion? What is going to happen now? How would we have reacted to Jesus dying? Do we see ourselves in these two men on the way to Emmaus? What lessons do we take away from Lukes's story of these two men?
April 1, 2024

Easter Sunday

Let us celebrate the joy of Easter Sunday! Rejoicing in the triumphant love and transformative power of Christ’s resurrection bringing new life and unfailing hope to all. He is risen!

March 31, 2024

Holy Saturday

In a reflective pause, we remember Holy Saturday. Finding hope and embracing Christ’s love as we patiently wait for the dawn of Easter, knowing that in the stillness, his transformative grace is at work.

March 30, 2024

Good Friday

During Good Friday, we come together to find profound hope in Christ’s journey to the cross that brings light to our lives even during the darkest of times.

March 29, 2024

Maundy Thursday

As we come together this Maundy Thursday, let us share Christ’s love and compassion in communion with others, becoming beacons of his transformative grace in the world around us.

March 25, 2024

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. As we gather in hope reflecting on the compassion of Christ, may he guide us through changing seasons, unveiling the promise of renewal and the all-encompassing light of his love.

March 24, 2024

What You Must Do to Qualify for the Resurrection to Eternal Life

Text: JoJhn 12:20-36
Dr. Dan Rogers
Some Christians don’t realize that there is one thing you must do before you can be resurrected to eternal life. Something you must do in order to qualify to be in the resurrection to eternal life. Do you think you will qualify?
March 18, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3017 | See the Manager

Have you ever had a sour experience in a restaurant or store that you just wanted to see the manager? When we say “I want to see Jesus”, do we actually mean that we want to see him, or do we just want things to happen our way? Following Christ means that we can be joyful even when situations get sour.

March 17, 2024

Who Is Melchizedek And Why Does It Matter

Text: Hebrews 5:5-10
Dr. Dan Rogers
Who Is Melchizedek and Why Does It Matter? There is allot of mystery behind who he actually was - - - is. Dr. Dan Rogers looks at the scriptures that describes this High Priest and King.
March 11, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3016 | The Sacred Irony

Do you ever find yourself trying to earn God’s favor with good works? As God’s beloved children, there’s nothing we can do to earn or lose his love. Through this reality, we can join with him in the good works he has in store for each of us.

March 10, 2024

Are You Really Saved by Grace

Text: Ephesians 2:1-10
Dr. Dan Rogers
Martin Luther became a monk and tried to live a perfect life. He tried hard - - - prayed longer, fasted more, denied more. He continued to sin. After reading Ephesians and Romans, he realized an import lesson God was opening his eyes to - - - We are saved by grace alone! Are you saved by grace alone? Are Christians supposed to do a lot of good works to get saved? What is grace? How does God look at our works today? What lessons did Martin Luther take away from Ephesians 2? What should we take away from these verses also?
March 4, 2024

Speaking of Life 3015 | The Opposite Game

The Opposite Game was used to let students fully understand the contrast and meaning between words. Contrary to our belief that God is distant, Paul emphasizes the gift of salvation through Jesus, and his invitation to join Him in building his kingdom now.

March 3, 2024

The Cross - Pagan Symbol or God’s Wisdom and Power

Text: 1 Corinthians 1:17-23
Dr. Dan Rogers
What is irony? A Paradox? An Oxymoron? What is the message of the cross? The cross is a symbol, it is ironic, a paradox, and an oxymoron. Is the cross a pagan symbol? Remember don't worship the cross. it is an important symbol. What is the story of the cross?
February 25, 2024

Do You Agree with God - Wait - Before You Say Yes

Text: Mark 8:31-38
Dr. Dan Rogers
Do we trust God? When things go wrong do we wonder if He really loves us - - - has the best for us? How should we look at trials and tribulation in our lives? Does God REALLY have a plan of salvation for all? What is mankind's future? Mark looks at what Jesus went through and what is in the future for all of us.
February 19, 2024

Speaking of Life 3013 | Rainbow’s Promise

Do you recall the first time you saw the colorful rainbow?  The flash of color across the sky is a promise of hope.

February 18, 2024

The Most Difficult Scripture in the New Testament to Understand

Text: 1 Peter 3:18-22
Dr. Dan Rogers
Let's look at one of the most difficult passages in the New Testimony, What do we do with scriptures / paragraphs that are controversial? How should we look at 1 Peter 3:18-22? What can we learn from this passage that is important to the Christians today? Let's see what the Apostle Peter is really saying to those of his time - - - and us today.
February 12, 2024


Transfiguration Sunday concludes the Season of Epiphany, revealing the radiant character of God in Christ’s love and compassion. God is inviting us to a continuous journey where the transformative power of Christ’s presence awaits.

February 11, 2024

Why Do You Believe When Others Do Not

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Dr. Dan Rogers
Why Do You Believe When Others Do Not? What is our responsibility in preaching the gospel? Why is my mind open to God's words and others are blinded to it? Who opens the mind to the truth of a glorious creator? We have many questions about our calling and why others don't see what we see. The Apostle Paul explains why.
February 4, 2024

The Most Difficult Scripture In The New Testament To Understand

Text: 1 Peter 3:18-22
Dr. Dan Rogers
Let's look at one of the most difficult passages in the New Testimony, What do we do with scriptures / paragraphs that are controversial? How should we look at 1 Peter 3:18-22? What can we learn from this passage that is important to the Christians today? Let's see what the Apostle Peter is really saying to those of his time - - - and us today.
February 4, 2024

What Did Paul Mean to Be All Things to All People

Text: 1 Corinthians 9:15-23
Dr. Dan Rogers
How do you treat people? The same? Differently? How do you speak to everyone? Why did the Apostle Paul say" 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings." What does it mean "to become all things to all people?" The Apostle Paul explains what that means and how it applies to us today.
January 29, 2024

Speaking of Life 3010 | Felt Not Seen

Have you ever stared at nature and become overwhelmed by the beauty of the moment? Not only are God’s works beautiful and majestic, but they also reflect his goodness and his love for each of us.

January 28, 2024

Paul Speaks Out on Christian Freedom verses Christian Love

Text: 1 Corinthians 8
Dr. Dan Rogers
Do you have a favorite restaurant you eat at? What would happen if you went to that restaurant and right before you entered you had knowledge that a Voodoo Sacrifice Service had performed a ritual over the food and drink you were about to walk in and order? Would you go in? Run for the hills! Or reason "Well, they do make the best steaks in town, let's go in". The Apostle Paul had to deal with problems like these in Corinth. Let's see how today's Christians should deal with these issues!
January 21, 2024

What is the Cost of Christian Discipleship

Text: Mark 1:1-20
Dr. Dan Rogers
Mark moved fast in the gospel he wrote. Mark doesn't start with the birth of Jesus; it also ends quickly. He uses the word "Immediately" 60x. Each gospel is written according to the writer's own mannerism, the time they live in, and what God inspires them to put down on paper. When Mark wrote his gospel - Christians were being persecuted and many didn't understand why God would allow it. Mark addresses their concerns and wants them to change their attitudes, views, and the direction their walking - " immediately" following Christ and listen to the One that was prosecuted for "The Way"- - - Note: We should all listen to His urgent message! His gospel applies to us today. We are ordinary people called by God to do great works. If He was persecuted - we will too. Who was called to be disciples of Jesus? Mark addresses discipleship in the following scriptures.