January 6, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4006 | Already a Good New Year

A new year is approaching! This means new beginnings, new journeys, and new resolutions. The New Year is often an opportunity to improve ourselves or expand what we have. But While this can be a healthy practice, it is also beneficial to reflect on the blessings that we already have. This New Year, let us open our hearts and ears and receive what God has already given us. Let us experience his grace and love through the light of his son, Jesus Christ.

December 29, 2024

Speaking Of Life 4005 | Just Like Mom Used to Make

Have you ever experienced having a loved one bring you gifts or goodies that remind you of the warmth of home? Comparably, the prophet Samuel was often visited by his loving mother, bringing him a new robe throughout the years while working in God’s temple. Just like our loving moms, let us be reminded to take care of and love one another unconditionally that others may see the love of Christ through our actions.

December 29, 2024

The First and Best Christmas Carol of All Time

Text: Luke 1:39-55
Dr. Dan Rogers
Do you have a favorite Christmas song? Which one do you sing each year? Maybe there are several that you enjoy sings during the Christmas season. Well today Dr. Dan Rogers will point out the BEST Christmas Song ever! It is a Canticle - It was sung by Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Luke takes us on a trip with Mary to visit Elizabeth. An Elderly pregnant lady speaking with a young (12–14-year-old female) that was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. What can we learn from this encounter? Why did Luke write about this meeting? What was happening during this time in history? Let's look at some answers to these questions.
December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve—God's Glory Brings Great Joy

Celebrate Christmas Eve with the joy of Jesus’ birth. Emmanuel—God with us—means we’re never alone, bringing us lasting joy, hope, and courage, even in uncertain times.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Lizzie Tolentino

December 23, 2024

Advent—He Was, He Is, He Will Be

We celebrate the One who was, who is, and who will be. In Christ, our past is redeemed, our present is embraced, and our future is made whole. In this journey of love, hope, and transformation let us await for his return.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Hector Barrero

December 22, 2024

Do Not Worry Be Happy - How Is That Even Possible

Text: Philippines 4:4-7
Dr. Dan Rogers
If we found ourselves in court and accused of a crime we didn't do. Unjustly convicted, handcuffed, and led away to prison. Because of this crime we were sentenced to death. What would we be thinking in our jail cell? Well, the Apostle Paul was in that very same scenario. Unjustly convicted, jailed and beheaded at the end. What did he think as he awaited the final outcome? He told Christians to REJOICE!!! Would we rejoice? Dr. Dan Rogers looks Philippines 4:4-7 and explains to us How we should be thinking during trials and unjust accusations. Let's learn from the Apostle Paul.
December 16, 2024

Advent—Rejoice! The One Who Comes is Our Salvation

We embrace the deep joy that comes with God’s promises fulfilled. This season, we’re invited to let go of the old, making room for the new life and peace Christ brings. Let’s rejoice in the One who comes to save and transform us.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Juan Carlos Barrero

December 15, 2024

What Is Koinonia and What Does It Do to You

Text: Philippians 1:3-11
Dr. Dan Rogers
Paul's greatest financial supporters now about 62 AD Paul had been imprisoned probably in Rome and he was needed financial aid Paul was very thankful for this gift from the Philippians and though in receiving it he also became aware of the persecution a letter to them a letter of Joy a letter of friendship moral exhortation encouragement and Thanksgiving. So today we're going to look at the introductory Thanksgiving and prayer from that letter that Paul wrote to the church in Philippi and we're going to notice Paul's teaching exhortation and encouragement to them and how it applies to those of us who are Christians today now in this book we're going to find the elements of friendship partnership in the gospel admonition for Preparation to meet Jesus Christ when he returns and the joy that all of those elements can bring in the Christian life so let's look at the letter of Paul to the church in Philippi chapter 1 and particularly verses 3- 11 let's begin reading in chapter 1verses 3-8 and then we'll come back and discuss them in detail before moving on to verses 9- 11.
December 9, 2024

Advent—Prepare the Way

We are invited to clear space in our lives, making room for the peace of Christ to dwell within us. This season, may our hearts become like a manger, humble and open, ready to receive and share His blessing with the world.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Danny Zachariah

December 8, 2024

Are You in A Good News Church

Text: 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13
Dr. Dan Rogers
Are You in a Good News Church? Are we praying for one another? What should the relationships look like in God's congregations? Christians today we need faith, hope, and love. We need exhortation, we need guidance, we need encouragement, and we need good news so let's begin then in 1 Thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 6. We see Paul had been very worried about this brand-new church that he had started and been the pastor of there in Thessalonica and that he had to suddenly leave because the persecution was so heavy and his heart was just very troubled for this new little church in Thessalonica and he was anxiously awaiting word from Timothy as to how these new Christians were doing so we pick up the story then in verse 6 chapter 3 but Timothy has just now come to us from you and he's brought good news oh, how that must have warmed the heart of the Apostle Paul he was so very worried and now Timothy comes with good news good news about your faith and love he has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us just as we also long to see you let's think about that for a moment.
December 2, 2024


Step into the first week of Advent with hearts full of expectation. We watch for the light of Christ breaking through our darkness. God’s promise is certain—we put our hope in Jesus.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Margaret Musekwa

December 1, 2024

What Is the Book of Revelation Really About

Text: Revelation 1:4-8
Dr. Dan Rogers
How many of you have ever read the book of Revelation? Okay did you understand it? Did you think maybe you did and are you sure? Maybe you didn't understand it okay fine as one Theologian put it “few writings and all of literature have been so obsessively read with such generally disastrous results” You know there are many wild and Divergent ideas and confusion about what the Book of Revelation says and means and that's rather ironic when you consider its title the title comes from the Greek word apocalypses which means “an uncovering” an “unveiling” and literally “to pull the cover off of something” The Book of Revelation then as it is today a great hope a great hope in the face of what looks like sometimes even the end of the world the Book of Revelation with all its apocalyptic literary style is really hear me church is really about worship. Let’s look at the introduction to the Book of Revelation and notice how the introduction reveals the themes and the focus of the book and invites us to rejoice in Christ Our King and to join in the Heavenly praise and worship of the great God.
November 25, 2024

Christ the King Sunday

As we journey from through seasons of the Worship Calendar, may the anticipation of his glorious, everlasting kingdom fill our hearts. Christ the King Sunday celebrates Jesus’ eternal reign over all creation, uniting believers in worship and reminding us of his authority overall.

November 18, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3051 | The Underdog’s Tale

Speaking Of Life 3051 | The Underdog’s Tale Greg Williams One of the most famous story plots in history is the tale of the underdog. From the oldest story of the slave who turns out to be royalty, to the modern sports movie about the unlikely heroe...
November 17, 2024

Is Heaven Real. Is God Real. What Is Really Real.

Text: Hebrews 9:24-28
Dr. Dan Rogers
How many believe heaven is real? How about believing in the God of the bible? More and more people are turning away from God and His word. The American poles are finding more and more people are turning away from gathering in churches and falling away from believing in their creator - - - Christianity is in a decline. Are you going to quit going to church? Do you live by your words verses God's Words? Increased persecution, then and now, will assist in this decline of gathering and worshiping God. In the Book of Hebrews, it addresses this attitude - Some fell short of the finish line. Many turned away because of the persecution. Let's listen to what the Book of Hebrews teaches us about holding on and not being one of these spiritual casualties!
November 11, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3050 | Like Kin

Speaking Of Life 3050 | Like Kin Jeff Broadnax When I was 18 years old, I met someone who would change my life for the better. Here’s the catch: we couldn’t have been more different as people.  John was a white man from Great Britain; I was ...
November 10, 2024

What is the power in the blood of Christ

Text: Hebrews 9:1-14
Dr. Dan Rogers
Why do you go to church? Do you go because you want to be a good Christians, or maybe you want to obey God and do what is right? Maybe you go to church so you can go to heaven when you die. How about going to learn more about the bible and the creator. Do you go to get an inspiring, uplifting sermon that will make you feel better? Why should we go to church? Dr. Dan Rogers explains the true answer to this question for the Book of Hebrews
November 4, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3049 | The Jesus Subtext

Jesus was surrounded by his adversaries waiting for him to make a mistake when one of the scribes asked him a question to challenge his authority. Jesus’ response of love and invitation, reveals his heart for us

November 3, 2024

What Is a High Priest and Is There One Today

Text: Hebrews 7:1-28
Dr. Dan Rogers
Why does the book of Hebrews have a reputation of being a difficult book to read by Christians? Who has read the book straight through in one reading? What are some of the main reasons for the Book of Hebrews? What is the main message throughout Hebrews that we should be taking away after reading it straight through? Dan Rogers unfolds the 7th Chapter of Hebrews about the true Melchizedek and what is the main lesson(s) we should take away after reading and studying this chapter.
October 28, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3048 | Refuge in the Storm

Being caught in the middle of a terrible storm is one unimaginable experience that you hope not to endure. The unavoidable devastation can leave you helpless. The Psalmist reminds us that Jesus brings peace to our chaotic storms in life. And even after the storm, he is there to guide us, restore us, and surround us with his love.

October 27, 2024

What Many Christians Don’t Know About the Sacraments: Baptism and Communion

Text: Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 11:26
Dr. Dan Rogers
What are the Sacraments of Christianity? How many are there? Are they important? How should they be kept / observed? What is Baptism and Communion? Are they important? Dr. Dan Rogers explains the importance of the two Sacraments of Christianity.
October 21, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3047 | Upside-Down Selfie with Jesus

Selfies have become the new autograph of the 21st century. Nowadays, we try to be shameless when grabbing a quick selfie with anyone we admire or look up to. The time you spend doing a selfie might only take a second with someone but Jesus invites us into experiencing his loving presence beside us for all eternity. He is always there for us with arms wide open.

October 20, 2024

What Is Gods Rest and Will You Make It into It

Text: Hebrews 4:11-16
Dr. Dan Rogers
The lessons from the Book of Hebrews are one long continuous argument. It focuses on the unseen world, which is more important, than the seen world. We see that Moses couldn't lead the people into the promise land - - - it was Joshua (Jesus) that led Israel into Cannan - - -However, it will be Jesus that leads His people into the true land of milk and honey. Let's look at the outline of several chapters of the Book of Hebrews to set the stage for today's scriptures.
October 14, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3046 | The Midas Touch

From buying products that we don’t need online to keeping up with the latest in fashion and technology, consumerism has consumed humanity more than ever. The story of King Midas tells us how material things can easily take our eyes away from what is important. God reminds us in Mark why surrendering everything we have can be a blessing and embracing the truth that Jesus is more than sufficient.

October 13, 2024

What Does the Bible Say Is Your Destiny

Text: Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12
Dr. Dan Rogers
Who wrote the book of Hebrews? Why was it called the Book of Hebrews? What is the main message of the Book of Hebrews. Let's look at the following verses and answer some of these questions. The most important question answered is - - - Who was / is Jesus?