March 10, 2025

First Sunday in Easter Preparation—God Our Deliverer

During Easter Preparation, we come to understand that God doesn’t take away our struggles but walks with us, giving us strength, hope, and guidance as we follow Jesus’ path.

Voiceover by: Peter Mill – Glasgow, Scotland

March 9, 2025

Calling On the Name of the Lord

Text: Rom. 10:9-13
Pastor David Houck
Using Rom. 10:9-13, pastor David Houck explains what it means to confess and believe in our Lord, Jesus and to call on His name.
March 3, 2025

Transfiguration Sunday—Removing the Veil

This Transfiguration Sunday, we are gently reminded of how Jesus revealed his true glory, helping us see God’s love and plan more clearly by lifting away the things that keep us from Him, inviting us into His light and peace.

Voiceover by: Bharat Naker – Adelaide, Australia

March 2, 2025


Text: Luke 9:28-36
Pastor Kairis Chiaji
Moses face glowed with the glory of God when he returned down Mt. Sinai after receiving the tablets of the Old Covenant. This foreshadowed Jesus's transfiguration on a mountain where Peter, James and John saw Him transformed into the appearance of glory while speaking to Moses and Elijah and heard God say, "This is my beloved Son, listen to Him!" We, likewise, reflect God's glory when we walk with our Savior and show His love to those around us.
February 24, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4013 | The Boy from the Well

It is often said that there’s nothing sweeter than revenge. But, in Joseph’s story, we see the power of grace when reconciliation is chosen over revenge.

February 23, 2025


Text: Luke 6:27-38
Dan Cook
Using Luke 6:27-38, Dan Cook shows that our efforts at "getting even" or seeking revenge are not the values of God's Kingdom. Kingdom citizens love their enemies and seek good for all. It's what Jesus did for us. Let God take care of evening the score.
February 17, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4012 | If No Resurrection…

From changing water into wine to raising Lazarus from the dead, these events from the Bible might sound impossible to believe. But are we forgetting that we have a God who is beyond logic and understanding? Paul reminds us that we cannot place our great God inside a small box. He is beyond that! Even when we can’t comprehend the greatness of our God, he continues to pursue us with no bounds.

February 16, 2025

Be Mine!

Text: Psalm 1 and others
Pastor Kairis Chiaji
Pastor Kairis Chiaji explains how Jesus loves us and made us His own by redeeming us with His life. When we accept His invitation to "Be Mine" (a common message on Valentine candies), we enter into fulness of life, as a tree planted by rivers of water. In the beginning of the sermon, Kairis played a video covering the history of Valentine's Day. It can be viewed at the following URL:
February 10, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4011 | The Story Since Day One

There is power in storytelling. From the stories, we will tell our friends after work to the bedtime stories we tell our kids before they sleep. From the beginning of time, humans have passed on our histories through the stories told by family and friends. To this day, Jesus’ story continues to be shared with everyone. He inspires us with the love and peace that will continue to grow in our hearts as we move along the world.

February 9, 2025

Don't Look Back

Text: I Cor. 15:1-11
Pastor David Houck
Once God has opened our eyes to understand the truth of the Gospel, we never need to look back. Changes in our lives, loss of family or friends motivates us to look forward to the hope God has in store for those in His family.
February 3, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4010 | Hitting Too Close to Home

We often say the phrase “too close to home” when we go through something embarrassing or uncomfortable that affects us directly in a personal way. A situation that would have made us shake our heads even when this is how Christ would have wanted it to be. Amidst our various personal experiences, let us continue to embrace the truth that our Father’s love is perfect and that he will always pursue to take us home with him.

January 27, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4009 | Practicing Christ in the Kitchen

Our amazing God is indeed present everywhere! The wise and respected Brother Lawrence always tried to find God even in the simplest of tasks like washing the dishes. Just like Brother Lawrence, let our actions be founded in the love of Christ that his light may shine through us.

January 26, 2025

Hometown Hero

Text: Psalm 19, I Cor. 12:12-31
Pastor Kairis Chiaji
Jesus is our Savior, our Leader and Guide ... our Hometown Hero. He has given each of us gifts to further the church's mission. We are called to use those gifts to His glory. Use of these gifts strengthens us and builds His body (the church). If we neglect the gifts given to us, they atrophy and become unproductive. Kairis played a YouTube clip in the middle of the sermon. We couldn't include it in the video, due to possible copyright violations. The URL is:
January 20, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4008 | No Comparisons

People tend to compare themselves with other people and soon after you will be in a rabbit hole of blaming, self-distrust, and anger. God reminds us time and time again that he exceptionally and wonderfully created each one of us in his own likeness. He created each one of us with our own unique gifts. God calls us for who we are amidst our imperfections.

January 19, 2025


Text: John 2: 1-11
Pastor Kairis Chiaji
Is there a connection between the water of the Nile being turned to blood, the miracle of water changed into wine, Jesus's invitation to all who are thirsty to come to Him and the giving of the Holy Spirit? Pastor Kairis explores the symbolism of water, blood and wine in the Bible. Midway through the sermon, Kairis played a YouTube video which could not be included due to possible copyright issues. You can view it at the following URL:
January 13, 2025

Epiphany—Jesus, Light of the World

Epiphany: Jesus, Light of the World Think of the stars on a dark, cloudless night—small, distant lights scattered across the vast sky, yet enough to bring comfort and direction. Jesus is the brightest of these stars, a light that cannot be hidden, ...
January 12, 2025

The Baptism of the Lord

Text: Luke 3:15-22
Pastor David Houck
John the Baptist was interrupted from baptizing in the name of Jesus by Jesus himself, who also came to be baptized. What was the significance of Jesus’ baptism to believers then and to us now?
January 6, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4006 | Already a Good New Year

A new year is approaching! This means new beginnings, new journeys, and new resolutions. The New Year is often an opportunity to improve ourselves or expand what we have. But While this can be a healthy practice, it is also beneficial to reflect on the blessings that we already have. This New Year, let us open our hearts and ears and receive what God has already given us. Let us experience his grace and love through the light of his son, Jesus Christ.

January 5, 2025

A Lavish Lifestyle

Text: Ephesians 1:3-14
Pastor Kairis Chiaji
Pastor Kairis Chiaji, using Ephesians 1:3-14, show the lavishness of God's love towards us ... how He chose us, called us, redeemed us and gave us of His Spirit. We have incredible riches in Christ! Kairis displayed two YouTube videos during her message: 1) was played at the beginning 2) was played at the end. We were unable to record the closing prayer and benediction.
December 29, 2024

Speaking Of Life 4005 | Just Like Mom Used to Make

Have you ever experienced having a loved one bring you gifts or goodies that remind you of the warmth of home? Comparably, the prophet Samuel was often visited by his loving mother, bringing him a new robe throughout the years while working in God’s temple. Just like our loving moms, let us be reminded to take care of and love one another unconditionally that others may see the love of Christ through our actions.

December 29, 2024

Get Dressed

Text: Colossians 3:12-14
Dan Cook
Dan Cook shows how scripture reveals our best clothing is Jesus Christ and His righteousness
December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve—God's Glory Brings Great Joy

Celebrate Christmas Eve with the joy of Jesus’ birth. Emmanuel—God with us—means we’re never alone, bringing us lasting joy, hope, and courage, even in uncertain times.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here:

Voiceover by: Lizzie Tolentino

December 23, 2024

Advent—He Was, He Is, He Will Be

We celebrate the One who was, who is, and who will be. In Christ, our past is redeemed, our present is embraced, and our future is made whole. In this journey of love, hope, and transformation let us await for his return.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here:

Voiceover by: Hector Barrero

December 22, 2024


Text: Matthew's and Luke's account of Jesus's birth
Pastor Kairis Chiaji
Pastor Kairis Chiaji explores many similarities between the events of Jesus's birth and those surrounding His death and burial. God's planning is beyond our comprehsion!
December 16, 2024

Advent—Rejoice! The One Who Comes is Our Salvation

We embrace the deep joy that comes with God’s promises fulfilled. This season, we’re invited to let go of the old, making room for the new life and peace Christ brings. Let’s rejoice in the One who comes to save and transform us.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here:

Voiceover by: Juan Carlos Barrero