January 20, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4008 | No Comparisons

People tend to compare themselves with other people and soon after you will be in a rabbit hole of blaming, self-distrust, and anger. God reminds us time and time again that he exceptionally and wonderfully created each one of us in his own likeness. He created each one of us with our own unique gifts. God calls us for who we are amidst our imperfections.

January 19, 2025

Now About the Gifts of the Spirit

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Pastor Steve Schantz
Today, we will look at some passages chosen from select letters, called the epistles, to aid our season of Epiphany. In fact, this year we will be setting aside the next six Sundays in Epiphany to visit passages in 1 Corinthians. In these passages, we are concerned to see how God continues to work in His church. Since God is still at work in the church for the sake of the world, we can gain epiphanies about who He is and what He is doing by revisiting some key passages of Scripture written to some of the early churches. This doesn’t mean that everything that takes place in a church can serve as an epiphany of who God is. But those events and lessons involving the early church that God chose to include in the canon of Scripture, can be relied on to provide a trustworthy witness of who God is as He is revealed in His works by the Spirit in the church.
January 13, 2025

Epiphany—Jesus, Light of the World

Epiphany: Jesus, Light of the World Think of the stars on a dark, cloudless night—small, distant lights scattered across the vast sky, yet enough to bring comfort and direction. Jesus is the brightest of these stars, a light that cannot be hidden, ...
January 6, 2025

Speaking Of Life 4006 | Already a Good New Year

A new year is approaching! This means new beginnings, new journeys, and new resolutions. The New Year is often an opportunity to improve ourselves or expand what we have. But While this can be a healthy practice, it is also beneficial to reflect on the blessings that we already have. This New Year, let us open our hearts and ears and receive what God has already given us. Let us experience his grace and love through the light of his son, Jesus Christ.

January 5, 2025

The Chosen

Text: Ephesians 1:3-14
Pastor Steve Schantz
Has God predestined some individuals from before time began to be lost while others He predetermined to save? What does the Apostle Paul mean when he says, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.”
December 29, 2024

Speaking Of Life 4005 | Just Like Mom Used to Make

Have you ever experienced having a loved one bring you gifts or goodies that remind you of the warmth of home? Comparably, the prophet Samuel was often visited by his loving mother, bringing him a new robe throughout the years while working in God’s temple. Just like our loving moms, let us be reminded to take care of and love one another unconditionally that others may see the love of Christ through our actions.

December 29, 2024

Getting Dressed

Text: Colossians 3:12-17
Pastor Steve Schantz
In past marathons, due to the proximity to the Christmas holiday, the SyFy Channel would always air the episode “Night of the Meek,” the only truly Christmas-themed episode. In it, we are introduced to Henry Corwin, played by Art Carney, a department store Santa who was fired because of his alcohol use. We soon learn that Mr. Corwin used alcohol to cover up his pain and heartbreak at the loss of human empathy and concern for others. As he walked the street in his Santa suit lamenting the loss of the Christmas spirit, he came across a large sack filled with presents. He proceeded to go around town handing out magically appropriate gifts to everyone he met. Eventually, all the presents were handed out and there was no gift left for Mr. Corwin. It was then that he realized that being able to give out the presents was his gift. The episode concluded with a reindeer sleigh showing up with an elf sitting upon it. It was waiting for Mr. Corwin. He sat upon the sleigh and rode it into the sky shouting, “Merry Christmas!” The man who pretended to be Santa Claus actually became Santa Claus. In addition to being a poignant reminder of the importance of compassion and generosity, “Night of the Meek” points to a deeper truth: sometimes pretending leads to becoming. It is possible to change things on the inside by making changes on the outside. This principle can be found at play in today’s passage. Please turn to Colossians 3:12-17:
December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve—God's Glory Brings Great Joy

Celebrate Christmas Eve with the joy of Jesus’ birth. Emmanuel—God with us—means we’re never alone, bringing us lasting joy, hope, and courage, even in uncertain times.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Lizzie Tolentino

December 23, 2024

Advent—He Was, He Is, He Will Be

We celebrate the One who was, who is, and who will be. In Christ, our past is redeemed, our present is embraced, and our future is made whole. In this journey of love, hope, and transformation let us await for his return.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Hector Barrero

December 22, 2024

Devine Gaze

Text: Luke 1:39-55
Pastor Steve Schantz
Our scripture today tells the story of two women, Elizabeth and Mary, and the way Elizabeth saw Mary as well as the way Mary saw herself as a result of her belief in God’s favor. Here in this birth narrative, we see the importance of being seen by another person, being seen by God, and the outcomes for receiving the divine gaze. We can learn from the examples of Elizabeth and Mary in our sermon text for today as we consider ourselves participants in the reciprocity of presence. Reciprocity of presence refers to the reciprocal or mutual benefit of being seen and present with one another.
December 16, 2024

Advent—Rejoice! The One Who Comes is Our Salvation

We embrace the deep joy that comes with God’s promises fulfilled. This season, we’re invited to let go of the old, making room for the new life and peace Christ brings. Let’s rejoice in the One who comes to save and transform us.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Juan Carlos Barrero

December 15, 2024

What Is Koinonia and What Does It Do to You

Text: Philippians 1:3-11
Dr. Dan Rogers
Paul's greatest financial supporters now about 62 AD Paul had been imprisoned probably in Rome and he was needed financial aid Paul was very thankful for this gift from the Philippians and though in receiving it he also became aware of the persecution a letter to them a letter of Joy a letter of friendship moral exhortation encouragement and Thanksgiving. So today we're going to look at the introductory Thanksgiving and prayer from that letter that Paul wrote to the church in Philippi and we're going to notice Paul's teaching exhortation and encouragement to them and how it applies to those of us who are Christians today now in this book we're going to find the elements of friendship partnership in the gospel admonition for Preparation to meet Jesus Christ when he returns and the joy that all of those elements can bring in the Christian life so let's look at the letter of Paul to the church in Philippi chapter 1 and particularly verses 3- 11 let's begin reading in chapter 1verses 3-8 and then we'll come back and discuss them in detail before moving on to verses 9- 11.
December 9, 2024

Advent—Prepare the Way

We are invited to clear space in our lives, making room for the peace of Christ to dwell within us. This season, may our hearts become like a manger, humble and open, ready to receive and share His blessing with the world.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Danny Zachariah

December 2, 2024


Step into the first week of Advent with hearts full of expectation. We watch for the light of Christ breaking through our darkness. God’s promise is certain—we put our hope in Jesus.

More about the GCI Worship Calendar here: https://www.gci.org/articles/the-churchs-worship-calendar

Voiceover by: Margaret Musekwa

December 1, 2024

Hope for All Times

Text: Romans 8:24-25
Pastor Steve Schantz
Why speak of anxiety during the first week of Advent when it is much more pleasant to think about is Christmas trees and colorful cookies. But our sermon reading today is quoting the Christ child himself, all grown up, of course here in Luke, and he’s talking about his return and the state of the world at his return. Let’s read Luke 21:25-36 (NRSVUE).
November 25, 2024

Christ the King Sunday

As we journey from through seasons of the Worship Calendar, may the anticipation of his glorious, everlasting kingdom fill our hearts. Christ the King Sunday celebrates Jesus’ eternal reign over all creation, uniting believers in worship and reminding us of his authority overall.

November 18, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3051 | The Underdog’s Tale

Speaking Of Life 3051 | The Underdog’s Tale Greg Williams One of the most famous story plots in history is the tale of the underdog. From the oldest story of the slave who turns out to be royalty, to the modern sports movie about the unlikely heroe...
November 11, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3050 | Like Kin

Speaking Of Life 3050 | Like Kin Jeff Broadnax When I was 18 years old, I met someone who would change my life for the better. Here’s the catch: we couldn’t have been more different as people.  John was a white man from Great Britain; I was ...
November 4, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3049 | The Jesus Subtext

Jesus was surrounded by his adversaries waiting for him to make a mistake when one of the scribes asked him a question to challenge his authority. Jesus’ response of love and invitation, reveals his heart for us

November 3, 2024

How Much More

Text: Hebrews 9:11-14
Pastor Steve Schantz
Today, our focus is only on four verses. Even so, this short snippet of Hebrews can serve to remind us, as the author intends, of the greatness and far surpassing sufficiency of Jesus and his work accomplished on our behalf. This section alludes to a lot of details that were covered in the ten verses leading up to it. Chapter 9 begins by revisiting the first covenant and the many regulations contained in it with special attention to the tabernacle and high priest. An important aspect of these regulations is that they were intended for worship. This is a critical filter to consider when looking back through Israel’s history. From the start, God intended to enter into a relationship with Israel. This relationship would be characterized by worship. Is my relationship with Jesus first and foremost characterized by Worship? Israel was to know this God who had called them to himself, and in that knowing, they would respond in worship, which is the only fitting response to a God who is worthy of worship. However, this worship would have to be a mediated worship on account of their sin and guilty conscience. One difference between our worship and theirs is that we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, whereas they only experience the influence of the Spirit, and not as an abiding presence.
October 28, 2024

Speaking Of Life 3048 | Refuge in the Storm

Being caught in the middle of a terrible storm is one unimaginable experience that you hope not to endure. The unavoidable devastation can leave you helpless. The Psalmist reminds us that Jesus brings peace to our chaotic storms in life. And even after the storm, he is there to guide us, restore us, and surround us with his love.

October 20, 2024

The God Who Is Sufficient

Text: Exodus 4:1-17, 29-31
Pastor Steve Schantz
Just a brief introduction to get our bearings in the life and calling of Moses. In chapter 3 The LORD grabs Moses’ attention from within a bush that doesn’t burn up. Moses understands what burning wood is. How often during his 40-year wilderness excursion must he have gathered twigs, dried branches and firewood to start or to rekindle a campfire for warmth or cooking while tending his Father-in-law’s flocks at night. Even today, with the wide variety of energy sources available in our modern world, firewood is still in short supply in Israel & Palestine.