About Us. Holy Losses, Holy Invitations (Or, Hearing Our New Symphony)

Dear Church family,


   Tomorrow in our Bible Study time we will review Chapter 3 of Alice Fryling’s AGING FAITHFULLY so please remember to bring your books with you. See you at 1:30 for our pot-luck meal together!


Chapter 3 – Holy Losses, Holy Invitations

(Or, Hearing Our New Symphony)


Acronym for the Chapter 1: AGING = Altered Growth Intentionally Navigating Godliness

 Acronym for Chapter 2: AGING = All Growth Involves New Growth

Acronym or Chapter 3:  AGING = All Great Invitations Need God


“He has put eternity in their hearts” Eccl 3:11 (NIV)

 “He has put a sense of past and future into their minds” (NRSVUE)

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Steve Schantz

Grace Communion Melbourne Fellowship Group – 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays at 2:30 p.m.
2nd Sundays Potluck & Bible Study 1:30 p.m.
Meeting @ Pineda Presbyterian Church 5650 N. Wickham Rd

Grace Communion Melbourne Fellowship Group – 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays at 2:30 p.m.
2nd Sundays Potluck & Bible Study 1:30 p.m.
Meeting @ Pineda Presbyterian Church 5650 N. Wickham Rd


  1. Food Bank @ Advent Lutheran (13) Advent Lutheran Church | Facebook
  2. The Children's Hunger Project the Children’s Hunger Project l Homepage (thechildrenshungerproject.org)
  3. Outreach Program for IHB School Supplies (13) City of Indian Harbour Beach Police Department - Posts | Facebook
  4. Family Promise HOME | FPOB (familypromiseofbrevard.org)
  5. GCI Grace Communion International (gci.org)
  6. In His Steps Learning Academy, Inc.
  7. Youth Summer Camps
  8. Durham NC Start up GCI Church

Who We Are

Grace Communion Fellowship Group is a small group that meet to have bible studies, enjoy Sermons / Christian videos / Audios, have potlucks and enjoy one another's company. Are you looking for this kind of setting? Come join us.

Grace Communion International is a mosaic of churches and Fellowship Groups knit together in grace. Our goal is Spirit-led, life-giving relationships by which mature followers of Jesus are multiplied around the world.

We Believe

We believe that theology should be rooted in the Bible, especially the New Testament. The theology we believe is often referred to as Trinitarian Theology due to its emphasis on the relational nature of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Was Jesus Really Raised from The Dead

Many in the world today don't believe in Jesus. They don't believe he died, was buried, and rose on the 3rd day. Many Liberal ministers preach from their lecterns that the stories of the bible are just that - - -stories. The flood? Was a man really swa...

Plan Your Visit Grace Communion Fellowship Group is a small gathering that enjoys sermons, bible studies, videos, and audios ---encouraging group participation and communion with each other. 2nd Sundays we have a Potluck/Bible Study @1:30pm. Come join and grow with us. We will save a seat for you.

1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Weeks Sunday 2:30 PM

Pineda Presbyterian Church
5650 N Wickham Rd
Melbourne, FL 32940-7333

 “We’re glad to share the ministry Christ has given us at Grace Communion Melbourne Fellowship Group through this blessing of internet technology. Grace Communion Melbourne Fellowship Group is a Christ centered fellowship Group which encourages believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to use their spiritual gifts for God’s service. We hold to the essential truths of the historic Christian faith in response to the Triune love of the Father, through the Son, and by the Spirit. For more information about our parent denomination, Grace Communion International, (GCI) please select this link. Grace Communion International (gci.org) I invite you to take a few moments and get to know us better. If you are traveling through the Central Florida area, please join us for worship. Thanks for visiting!”


On the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays - Worship Services at 2:30pm. Note: 2ndSunday a Potluck and Bible Study (1:30pm Potluck and 2:30pm Bible Study)

Communion Services 1st Sunday

Contact Us


Pastor Steve Schantz

(321) 759-7367
